Mother’s Day is approaching, so think about writing a nice love letter to your mom! If you are lacking inspiration, this is great! Since here are models of letters for Mother’s Day!
Say’’ I love you’’ with a beautiful love letter to your dear Mom, this will undoubtedly fill her heart with joy and happiness.
1- A son’s/ daughter’s letter to Mom
My sweet mother
On your DAY, the mother’s day, I took my best pen to write you a nice letter that reminds you of how much I love you.
I want to start this beautiful letter written with the words of my heart by saying to you: ‘’Thank you Mom’’.
Thank you for all this love given during my childhood and even today.
Your affection, your protection, your maternal kindness and your daily love rocked my childhood, a treasure of inestimable value.
Every year you advance into the mom age. Yet your inner beauty, your soul beauty, makes you enjoy an eternal youth.
Old age at home is a new journey to the land of wisdom, a new youth, a new beauty.
Happy Mother’s Day to my mother whom I love more than anything in the world.
Best wishes to my darling Mom who remains the best gift in my life.
Mom, remains the same: this splendid woman, this lady of great beauty of soul, this wonderful and loving grandmother with her grandchildren.Your whole family is proud of you.
Your family loves you and thinks of you. With dad, our sweet father, you are our strongest landmarks.
I kiss you affectionately, mother of love.
And renew to you my most beautiful and tender Mother’s Day wishes.
Your son/daughter who loves you with a unique love
Your son/Your daughter who adores and respects you more than anything.
Mother’s Day Letter – 2
Dear Mom,
You are like a nurse who takes care of what hurts me! You are like a map that helps me find my way! You always save the day like a superhero! You share your knowledge with me like a library! You allow me to stand on my own two feet like a sturdy pair of legs! you patiently listen to me like a therapist. You wipe away my tears like a tissue! Like the ocean, your quiet presence is always here. Like no one else, you love me! You are where my heart will always be you are where my heart will always be like home! Happy mother’s Day 2020 .
Mother’s Day Letter – 3
My little mother,
I don’t tell you often enough and I know I shouldn’t wait for Mother’s Day to tell you but I love you. Yes, I love you more than anything. I miss you more than you can imagine because since I left the house, the moments together have become rare! It doesn’t stop me from thinking about you every day that goes by, from remembering our wonderful memories, our laughs and our cuddly moments. We grow up, time passes but fortunately the memories remain. Happy Mother’s DAY 2020.

Mother’s Day Letter – 4
Although I am an adult today, I will always remain a child when we think of our mother! You always took care of me to perfection, you supported me in all the difficult moments but also the most joyful! Yet I have not always been easy … I regret so many words that I could swing you when I was a rebellious teenager … And even that, you never blamed me! It is not always easy to grow up, we may be adults, sometimes we would like our mom to take us in her arms and whisper “don’t worry, everything will be fine”. And then I force myself to go forward alone, imagining what you would have said to me to comfort me! Thank you for all moms, thank you for giving birth to me, for telling me that you were proud of me, for giving me all that freedom while always being behind me.If I had the opportunity to start all over again and choose my family, I would do it all the same again: you are by my side with dad to help me! My loving mom,
Mother’s Day Letter – 5
You are the greatest treasure of my life! All my life I have been fortunate to have you by my side. We have had a quasi-fusional relationship for a very long time and even if today we no longer see each other on a daily basis, you are in my heart and my head every day. You have always helped me to make the right choices, you have always been my confidante and you have been able to put me back on the right path when it was necessary and for all that I thank you. Our complicity is flawless, you have always been my model for the strength and courage you have always shown despite the very difficult trials you have gone through.I wouldn’t have wanted to have another mom, oh no! I was lucky to have a mom as cool as you, you always left me very free to choose, you never put too many barriers and thanks to that, I was able to grow and make my own choices. You have always been there in moments of joy and sadness. When I left the house, I know it left you in a deep void and you didn’t experience it very well. Despite this, you have always been happy for me and you have always accepted my decisions. You helped me in the difficult moments, these troubled moments when I felt like life was falling on me.A mom is precious and you are the most precious of moms for me. You are a light, you have strength in you even if sometimes you crack, I believe in you and I know that the ball of fire which animates you inside you, will revive sooner or later! I will never forget all these crazy laughs in bed, these shopping sessions, these endless discussions to make the world go round … All of this makes me say today that I am lucky to have this relationship with you. I love you mom, I don’t tell you as often as I used to, but I mean it every day.
I’m proud of you, never forget it! Happy Mother’s DAY 2020 !
You might be interested in reading more about the history and significance of Mother’s Day. Speaking of Mother’s Day, you might want to check out the Mother’s Day article on Wikipedia. Additionally, if you’re curious about the art of letter-writing, you can learn more about it by exploring the Letter (message) article.