The man or woman you love has left, he left you recently and you are looking for some ideas of sentences related to this breakup to help you think or just to put into words what you feel. This phase is not obvious to pass, it can be very useful to find a beautiful sentence, a small text or a quote from a known author who gives the right words about your feelings (regret, despair, sadness, hope, etc. ). This can also be useful if you want to send one of his sentences to your ex so that he or she understands how you feel. But it could also be useful for your Facebook status for example.
The break does not mean that the love is gone. It means fighting to save the love that remains.
Below you will find various expressions on the theme of lost love or heartache.
1- “ Never let an old flame burn you twice.”
2- “ Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.”
3- “ Having a broken heart is a good sign. This means that we have tried something.”
4- “ I remember that we were walking, perceiving happiness on the horizon, I deduce therefore, that at one point, we got the wrong direction.”
Le klub des looser – “From love to hate”
5- “ What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the one who makes you cry?”
6- “ Love is a rose, each petal an illusion, each thorn a reality.”
7- “ Love is the cause of a broken heart, of which it will be impossible to put the pieces together.”
8- “ Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you have never met.”
9- “ I am proud of my heart. He was tortured, stabbed, burned and smashed …. but he works! ”
10- “ In the war of love, the winner is the one who flees.”
Italian proverb
11- “ Love passes, pain remains. ”
12- “ Friendship sometimes ends in love, but rarely love in friendship.”
French proverb
13- “ Love is as delicate as a flame. Once it has gone out, it never turns on again.”
Ruby – “Once upon a time” series
14- “ Love is born with a look, grows in a kiss and dies in a tear.”
15- “ break is like a broken object. It is better to leave it that way rather than trying to fix it and risk getting hurt with it.”
16- “ Love is like war … Easy to start … Difficult at the end.”
17- “ It only takes a minute to fall in love, a day to love someone, but a lifetime to forget them.”
18 – “ Pleasure of love lasts only a moment, sorrow of love lasts a lifetim.”
Extract from the song. “Plaisir d’amour”