On Labor Day, it is customary to have sprigs of thrush. This lucky charm expresses wishes for good luck and luck until the following year. To make these wishes complete, it is best to write a letter. These few words are the expression of feelings and wishes for a year filled with joy. But it’s not always easy to express what you feel in writing. It is to help you that our professional writers have produced standard letters, which you can offer on May 1st. What a pleasure to be able to extend this weekend a little and to know that this Tuesday we will not get up for the same reasons.
Letters wishing a happy May 1st to his friend
Example Letter #1
Dear friend,
I’m sending you this little letter to wish you a happy Labor Day, take advantage of this well-deserved day to relax and have a good time with your family.
This May 1 has a lot of meanings through Labor Day and Lily of the Valley. It’s a celebration of demands from our ancestors for an 8-hour working day, which dates back to 1886 first in America, then quickly arrived in France.
I wish you to take full advantage of this day of celebration, we always lack time to take care of us, such a day of rest offered by our bosses is to savor!
Best regards,
Example Letter #2
Dear friend ,
This little letter to wish you a happy May Day celebration. It is good to be able to savor a few moments of tranquility during a well-deserved rest day. What a pleasure to know that this morning we will not get up for the same reasons! This May 1 has a lot of meanings through Labor Day and Lily of the Valley. It’s a celebration of demands from our ancestors for an 8-hour working day, which dates back to 1886 first in America, then quickly arrived in France.
It is also the festival symbolizing the arrival of spring by the lily of the valleys, that is to say lily of the valley, a symbol that dates back to the Middle Ages when the Celts granted it the virtue of good luck. This tradition dates from May 1, 1561 when King Charles IX decided to offer, as a lucky charm to all the ladies of the court, a sprig of lily of the valley. So much for the history note.
Best regards

Letter wishing a good May 1st to his parents
This little letter to wish you a happy May Day celebration. It is good to be able to savor a few moments of tranquility during a well-deserved rest day. What a pleasure to know that this morning we will not get up for the same reasons Letters addressing wishes to his grandparents for the May Day celebration.
Example Letter #1
Spring is here and we traditionally celebrate May 1st with thrush, a symbol of good luck.
This is why I am sending you this little letter to wish you a happy May Day celebration. Do you know where this tradition comes from offering a sprig of lily of the valley on this date? I learned a bit about it and so I discovered that this holiday dates back to the Middle Ages, with lily of the valley symbolizing the arrival of spring and being considered as lucky charms by the Celt.
I wish you a happy May 1st and have a good time to take care of you.
I think of you and embrace you very much.
Example Letter #2
I am sending you this letter in order to wish you a happy Labor Day. There is a time for everything and this day is devoted to rest, leisure, any activity other than work, whether professional or household.
Enjoy this well-deserved day. For the record, the origin of this holiday began on May 1, 1886 in Chicago when the American unions demanded the 8-hour working day, which led to strikes and demonstrations and resulted in several deaths. In memory of this event, in 1889 in Paris, the congress of the 2nd international socialist decides to make May 1 a day of struggle around the world always for the same objective.In 1890, the claim changed a little and became 3x8h (work, leisure, sleep); it is symbolized by a red triangle which turns into wild rose and, in 1907, by a sprig of lily of the valley (which symbolizes luck). It was in 1941, during the German occupation, that May 1 was officially designated as a public holiday and, in 1947, as a public and paid holiday.
Take full advantage of this extended weekend, take some time to relax and take care of yourself.
I kiss you greatly